An Introduction

Preparing Blog initialization. Introducing the writer and explaining the aspirations behind this blog.

October 17, 2018 - 1 minute read -

Initializing the blog


My name is Kei, my expertise lies in information technology based writing, administration and related security practices.
I’ll be using this blog to write some more technically minded pieces, primarily with a heavy focus on IT security, frameworks, implementation, accessibility and best practices.
There might be the occasional post that doesn’t fall under these categories, but the overarching theme should be centered around information technology and the thought processes behind it..

I’ve found that there are a lot of subjects that occasionally need bigger spotlight or are simply so intriguing that it’d be a shame not to cover them.
This is the place where those pieces will go.

For future reference, I am always open to criticism, requests and recommendations.
Ideally, there wouldn’t be any mistakes, but probability indicates that I’ll most certainly be making quite a few,
so please do point them out.

I think that should cover most of it,
so for now, that concludes this post.
Welcome to VGrol blogs.